Ann Perrin (nee Field) B.A M.Sc.
London - UK
PUPPETHOUSE ©1950-2002
All Rights Reserved

Puppethouse was originally conceived as site where my grandchildren could experience some of the creativity of their late great grandfather. But then I realised we were all part of his story and it became an unusual account of one aspect of social history. So I hope everyone enjoys it especially family, friends and the many people that have worked with us over the years.


My thanks to my son Paul Perrin ( for his patience and expertise in creating Puppethouse. My son Robin Perrin for cheerfully steering me into digital editing for my films. My best friend Alan Gage for his endless support and my mother Joan Field for her unstinting work and optimism. I hope you enjoy the site and all the Grandchildren enjoy watching their late Great Grandfather's story unfold.


Our conservation has been inhibited by the loss of two skips of marionettes from a garage in Highgate in the 70's. I would be grateful for the loan or a photograph of any of our marionettes which may have come into your possession over the years.

We would also like to trace Chick and Candy, two marionettes 30 inches high which were commissioned several years ago by The Royal Windsor Theatre Company for their pantomime. If you have any information please email me at 'ann at puppethouse dot co dot uk'.